Monday, July 11, 2011

Horrible Bosses

           Who has never had a job that they didn't hate or at least just not want to do for the rest of their lives? Plenty of you I'm sure, I know I have. Well, what about actually having a job you enjoy? Nice huh? Now how many of you have had a boss that you despise at a job you either hate or like? Makes that environment excruciating doesn't it? Makes the job you hate miserable and the job you enjoy suck. This situation is one many people out there can relate to, and is the plot line behind the movie Horrible Bosses.
           In Horrible Bosses, Jason Bateman (Couples Retreat), Charlie Day (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), and Jason Sudeikis (SNL), play Nick, Dale, and Kurt. They are three friends at three entirely different jobs, and they all hate their bosses for entirely different reasons. The one thing they all share with their hatred is the fact that their bosses are holding them back. When they realize that they can't just quit and get new jobs due to the terrible economy, they come up with the idea that killing each others bosses is the only way they can be happy. From here they go on to find someone who can help them pull it off without getting caught. Enter Jamie Foxx who plays their "murder consultant (I won't give you his character's name as not to ruin some hilarity)." From here the guys go about trying to devise how to take out each others boss, which in turn leads to plenty of mishaps and plenty of other stuff that goes wrong, but it all comes with plenty of laughter.
            Bateman, Day, and Sudeikis work very well together and make a believable trio of friends, all of which have extremely different personalities. Charlie Day is great and I think his career looks promising outside of "It's Always Sunny..." Though plenty of the comedy work falls on these three enough can't be said about the work of the bosses. Kevin Spacey plays Dave Harken, Nick's boss, who is completely self absorbed and psychotic. Jennifer Aniston plays Dr. Julia Harris, Dale's boss, who sexually harasses him every chance she gets and is a complete sex crazed lunatic. Finally, Colin Farrell plays Bobby Pellett, Kurt's boss, who is a coke head and just an overall terrible person. All three of these actors do a great job with their extreme characters. Jennifer Aniston in particular does, and not just because she looks sexy the entire time, but because her character is such an extreme opposite of what she usually plays, it's just plain hilarious.
            Going into Horrible Bosses I thought it had the potential to be very funny. However, I also had the feeling that the previews could have over done it and it could potentially flop. Thankfully, I am glad to say that it did not flop and was in fact very funny. The outrageousness of it all helps keep the mood light throughout, so that you aren't picking apart everything that happens that may not be totally realistic of everyday life. The writer's do a good job of mixing up material and whenever a joke may flop in your opinion, don't worry the next one will sure to make you laugh again.
              Anyways, I obviously give this movie a thumbs up and 3 out of 4 stars. It's hilarious don't get me wrong, but it has to be phenomenal to earn 4 stars. I will however be buying this once its out on DVD/Blu-Ray. This movie just came out last Friday so you all have a few weeks to go see it in theaters before it's too late. I highly recommend doing so. Enjoy!

Editor's Note: I'm going to start throwing in trailers with the films I review. Please let me know if this is a benefit or makes things too crowded. Also, I know I said Blue Valentine would be the next film to be reviewed, but I have been really busy lately and well it just didn't happen. I will be seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II at midnight Thursday night so I will do my best to put out a review ASAP after that. If I don't review Blue Valentine before Potter, then it will happen after it. Thanks and keep reading!

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