Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just Go With It

            I'm curious why the people who made this movie titled it "Just Go With It." I mean, is it because it relates to the film's storyline or is it because that's what they're really asking viewers to do? Now even though I am completely serious when I pose that question, I have to admit I didn't think the movie was that bad, and you know why? It's because I didn't expect a whole lot going into it. I mean it's an Adam Sandler movie for one, and anyone in my generation or anyone who has been around long enough to know his movies, should know what to expect from them. This movie falls from the same tree as many of his others do.
            In this movie Adam Sandler plays Dr. Danny Maccabee, a plastic surgeon in L.A., who uses a fake wedding ring to pick up women. He only does this of course after being severely hurt by a past love. However, this act comes back to bite him after he meets his dream girl, the beautiful school teacher Palmer (strange name for a character but oh well) played by Brooklyn Decker. When this happens, instead of coming clean Danny decides to lie more and say he's getting divorced. To aid him in this he enlists his assistant, Katherine (Jennifer Aniston), to pose as his wife. From here things only get more complicated in many different ways as Danny and Katherine try help keep up the web of lies.
           At first glance, it's not a terrible story idea. Is it plausible to think with these story lines that it will all work out? No, but that's not the point, plus movies love these sort of ideas. The problem for this movie isn't the initial idea, but how they take that idea and go too far with it too quickly. It gets far too unrealistic with how quickly relationships develop and other things that happen.
           Now, I'm not getting on the case of some stuff that happens for jokes and what not. Going over the top with some extremity is something Sandler has done in his movies forever, so that's not unexpected. In fact, I would've been surprised not to see some of the style of jokes that are in there. And I'm not saying some weren't funny or cheesy either, but if you're a Sandler fan than you know what you're getting. However, I do give credit to Sandler for maturing in recent years with his comedy movies. He has scaled far back from the antics of Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore (which I love), that he just can't pull off anymore. An exception to this of course being You Don't Mess With the Zohan which I'm sure many people would love to forget.
          When it comes right down to it, this movie had plenty of the types of jokes I expected that still seemed to make me laugh. I also, didn't go into it expecting to see an award winning type of story either, and if you want to try and enjoy this movie than you have to do the same. I give props to Nicole Kidman and Dave Matthews for playing random bit characters I never expected to see and being pretty funny at them.
           Overall, I give this movie a thumb in the middle and 2 out of 4 stars. If you're a Sandler fan then watch it. I'm sure you'll laugh and probably not love it, but you won't hate it either. Plus, the beauty of Jennifer Aniston and Brooklyn Decker helps make anything watchable. Get this via Netflix, at your local Redbox, or onDemand. Enjoy!

Editor's Note: My next review will be either on the Australian movie Animal Kingdom or The Company Men. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens...

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